
Recon-ng is a full-featured Web Reconnaissance framework written in Python. Complete with independent modules, database interaction, built in convenience functions, interactive help, and command completion, Recon-ng provides a powerful environment in which open source web-based reconnaissance can be conducted quickly and thoroughly.

Recon-ng has a look and feel similar to the Metasploit Framework, reducing the learning curve for leveraging the framework. However, it is quite different. Recon-ng is not intended to compete with existing frameworks, as it is designed exclusively for web-based open source reconnaissance. If you want to exploit, use the Metasploit Framework. If you want to social engineer, use the Social-Engineer Toolkit. If you want to conduct reconnaissance, use Recon-ng! See the Usage Guide for more information.

Recon-ng is a completely modular framework and makes it easy for even the newest of Python developers to contribute. Each module is a subclass of the "module" class. The "module" class is a customized "cmd" interpreter equipped with built-in functionality that provides simple interfaces to common tasks such as standardizing output, interacting with the database, making web requests, and managing API keys. Therefore, all the hard work has been done. Building modules is simple and takes little more than a few minutes. See the Development Guide for more information.




All 3rd party libraries/packages should be installed prior to use. The framework checks for the presence of the following dependencies at runtime and disables the modules affected by missing dependencies.

    • dnspython -

    • dicttoxml -

    • jsonrpclib -

    • lxml -

    • mechanize -

    • slowaes -

    • XlsxWriter -


python ./recon-ng



└──╼ python2 recon-ng --no-check


< IGF >


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[IGF v4.7.1, Open-Security (@Github)]

[77] Recon modules

[7] Reporting modules

[3] Discovery modules

[2] Import modules

[2] Exploitation modules

[IGF][default] > help

Commands (type [help|?] <topic>):


add Adds records to the database

back Exits the current context

delete Deletes records from the database

exit Exits the framework

help Displays this menu

keys Manages framework API keys

load Loads specified module

pdb Starts a Python Debugger session

query Queries the database

record Records commands to a resource file

reload Reloads all modules

resource Executes commands from a resource file

search Searches available modules

set Sets module options

shell Executes shell commands

show Shows various framework items

snapshots Manages workspace snapshots

spool Spools output to a file

unset Unsets module options

use Loads specified module

workspaces Manages workspaces
